Azia Omer Mohamud
My Name is Azia Omer Mohamud. I’m one of the CITYCOT University students. Department of Food science and nutrition, we are grateful to our system of learning in term of courses, practical, field training and training courses. We want to thank our administration and teachers. Thank you so much for your outstanding our future.

Zaynab Abdirizaq Hussein
My Name is Zaynab Abdirizaq Hussein. I am in CITYCOT University Alumni Department of Midwifery, we take our academic calendar very well in side of lectures and practical both internal and external practical. Also we do a lot of training skills in our department of midwifery. I want to thank our teachers and all team of the university.

ifrah Abdirizaq Hussein
My Name is Aisha Hussein Abdirizaq. I’m in CITYCOT University Alumni department of Clinical nursing, we are very happy and grateful for our academic education.