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Vision, Mission & Core Values


To provide excellent academic instruction by facilitating relevant programs and impart professional skills to our students


To empowering our graduates with skills and knowledge that open up opportunities for employability and entrepreneurship.

Core Values

The core values of the University are the pillars based on the programmes offered meeting the market needs, reviewing curricular from time to time, providing a conducive working environment and ensuring good relations with the outside community. They form the integral part of the University culture which in turn creates a sense of identity, belonging, direction and purpose. Our University therefore is founded on good social and moral values. These are:

Integrity & Fairness

As an Academic institution of Higher Learning, our mandate lay on human cordial relationship, striving to be an excellent University that all stakeholders can be proud of by emulating the moral and ethical values.


We are passionate about formal education that transforms students into professionals compounded with spiritual teachings and nourishment enhancement as human beings.


We respect all individuals irrespective of race, creed or religious subscription. We emphasize on everyone’s value contribution, ensuring that all humans are dignified and treated with utmost equality and equity.


The University Management is committed to academic excellence in contribution of fruitful education for both Local and Diasporas through hard work, objectivity, innovation, and resilience.

Teamwork & Diligence

Unity is strength, the Board of Directors strategically has perfected and put into perspective through recognition of each other’s contribution regardless of the one’s enormity as long as there’s support in each other’s weakness and strengthen, loyalty, and both individual and collective accountability with openness and honesty geared to derive satisfaction of educationalist and students ‘needs hence achieve common goals.

Accountability & Honesty

The University’s tremendous growth is solely relied on communal participation that will to be held accountable and respond positively towards its societal growth in education sector.


In the spirit of community development from diverse perspective geared to enhance socio-economic and political responsibility.