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Computer fundamentals

  • Eng abdiwahab



  • $20.00


COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS & INTERNET introduces new users to computers, the different types of computers that exist, how they’re used, what makes up a computer, and an introduction to the Windows operating system. Living Online using Windows provides specific guidelines for the knowledge and skills required to be a functional user of computer hardware, software, networks, and the Internet.

Course overview

Computer Fundamentals using Windows:

Unit 1: Computers All Around Us

  • Computers All Around Us
  • Looking at Networks
  • Elements of a Personal
  • Identifying Input/Output
  • Working with Storage Systems
  • Looking at Printers
  • Basic Troubleshooting
  • Buying a Computer
  • Looking at Software Applications
  • Using the Computer

Unit 2: Using Windows

  • Looking at Windows
  • Looking at the Desktop
  • Working with Windows
  • Exiting Windows
  • Getting Help
  • Running Application
  • Looking at Files and
  • Using Windows Explorer
  • Using the Recycle Bin
  • Managing Disks
  • Customizing System
  • Installing and Uninstalling Programs

Living Online using Windows:

Unit 1: Getting Connected

  • Networking Fundamentals
  • Looking at the Internet
  • Understanding E-mail
  • Using Microsoft Outlook Express

Unit 2: Using the Internet

  • Getting Started
  • Looking at Web Browsers
  • Using Microsoft Internet
  • Using Information From the Web
  • Searching for Information
  • Qualifying the Information
  • The Risks of Computing
  • Accessing the Internet in a Legal & Safe Manner